Review: Bringing Home the Dharma

Jack Kornfield is someone I’ve known about for over a decade, which is a sentence that makes me feel very old. Mindfulness is something I’ve studied a lot, academically and personally, and I think Bringing Home the Dharma is possibly the most comprehensive collection of answered questions for western Buddhism that I’ve come across. I listened to it as an audiobook and took my time to chew through it, and I truly think it was remarkable.

It may be a bit of an undertaking for someone casually trying to learn about Buddhism because the book is very detailed but for a beginner or someone like me who phases in and out of the scene, it is an excellent resource. Kornfield is, as always, a very gentle but assertive teacher.

I’d definitely prefer having a written copy to the audiobook I listened to because it’s such a great resource; it’s definitely something to reference back to and to cherry pick which areas resonate most.

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