Fuck off 2023!

If you aren’t aware, earlier this year I started a youtube channel (@danymadethis) about writing research! I’m going to start featuring corresponding blog posts to go with the video essays that update once a month; with a ton of short video crap in between to let you know what drain my brain is meandering around.

There’s also a threadless shop! danymadethis.threadless.com full of random art prints you can put on stuff!

Here is my 2023 recap for favorite reads: https://youtu.be/jFlPNb7DWDY

Starting out 2024 I plan to review short stories for January to ease you into good reading habits for the new year 😉

2023 was a terrible year, and I had thought 2022 was bad. I am glad to tell it to fuck off

I hope it treated everyone else better, and that 2024 is a drastic improvement

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