Review: Written in Bone

Written in Bone
Sue Black

This is a horror story of a different kind.
While I was debating doing the Invisible Man or giving some hot take on Jekyll and Hyde, I’ve decided to go with Written In Bone to finish of this little horror month. It’s not a horror story, it’s also not adequately a true crime story, but rather information about the skeleton, piece by piece, interwoven with true crime experiences of the forensic anthropologist Sue Black.
If you have any interest in forensics, archeology, or anatomists then Sue Black is for many the definitive source. A fantastically intelligent woman with a remarkable career, she is also a careful writer who is able to bring much of the extremely dense medical information that she trades in to a general reading level.
I adored the case files she discussed, having very respectfully changed names were appropriate, as well as the better known cases which I was inspired to look further into.
Sue Black’s work in furthering anthropology is phenomenal, she truly feels like the quintessential expert on human anatomy.

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